
Missing isn't a disease but can enter the bone into the medulla!


​There is a person in everyone's heart.

The moment you meet him/her

that person is destined to be your lifelong concerns.

The moment he/she turns around he/she becomes your forever missing.


That person

can pull at your heart strings anytime

recall your missing

disturb your tense nerves

and fill your mind with a myriad of missing ...


​If the heart is there love is there,

my sweetheart is not around

he/she is in the distance at the end of the world

lingering in my thoughts

and calling in my mind.


It's difficult to meet and keep each other company.

With pain in my heart and acid in the stomach

two lines of tears wet the shoulder.


Missing is not a disease

but it can enter the bone into the medulla;

Missing is not fatal

but it can make you lose your heart and soul;


Missing is not a disease

but the yearning in the heart.

And the lovesickness results from

missing someone.


Lovesickness is difficult to be treated by western medicine

or to be cured by Chinese medicine.

Only a dose of heart medicine

can do miracles.


Some people some love

will be in your heart

and become an indelible memory;

Because of love they can't be forgotten;

Because of the responsibility

you have to bear the pain of giving up love;


For some reasons

some people in love have to go their separate ways;

People left leaving the scenery there

though the scenery is beautiful there aren't the loved figures in it.


My sweetheart far away,

I am missing you.

Are you also missing me?


My heart is wriggling

with love lingering

and thoughts overflowing.

I'm missing you longing to see you.

Where are you now?


I'm waiting for you

looking forward to your coming back.

​I have too much

to say to you.

I have too much pain

to tell you...


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