
常用的英语口语see you(实用英语口语你知道该用)(1)


Can:通常指一个人有能力做某事。当使用can时,你很可能是指现在或将来时态中的这种能力,权力,技能。例如:I can go to the store after dinner.” ,即“I have the ability to go to the store after dinner.”

Could:它有多重含义。首先,could是can的过去形式。还有,could用来表达疑惑,怀疑或礼貌。如果有人问你:Can you do this for me?”,他只是想问我你是否可以做在这件事。而当有人问你“could you do this for me”他想问你是否愿意做,这更加的正式,礼貌,用来请求允许,或表达请求。

常用的英语口语see you(实用英语口语你知道该用)(2)


1.Excuse me could you please show me how to do it?

2.When I was a little girl I could dance like a robot without being afraid to be laughed at.

3.Can you sing an English song?

4.We can host as many as five children. (意思是我们有能力招待多达五个孩子。)

5.We could host as many as five children. (意思是我们有可能会招待多达五个孩子.)


1. “We could go to the zoo.” 这里Rachel 用了“could” 来提出去动物园的建议。

2. “Look it says they can swim fast.” 在这个句子中,“can” 用来形容游泳游得快的能力。

3. “You couldn’t swim that fast Stanley.” 这里, “could” 是作为“can”的过去式, 所以它是用来表达能力。

你可能会问: 那我怎么判断什么时候“could”是作为“can” 的过去式,什么时候是表达可能性和询问请求呢?


常用的英语口语see you(实用英语口语你知道该用)(3)


选择 can 或 could 填空:

  1. ________ you repeat your number again please?
  2. ________ you play the piano?
  3. ________ you get some napkin for us please?
  4. When I was a little I _________dance but now I can’t any more.
  5. I know you _______ do it.


  1. Could
  2. Can
  3. Could
  4. Could
  5. Can


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