

十二月的第一个周日,中国科学院大学的化学博士生Mahesh Thoke没有像往常一样宅宿舍看电影。夜幕刚降临,他和好友冒着一丝寒风乘上了开往北京城东北4环外的间隔年剧场的公交车。

On the first Sunday of December Mahesh Thoke a PhD student in Chemistry at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing did not stay in his dorm and watch movies as usual. As night fell Mahesh braved the chilly wind rushing to catch a bus with a couple of friends heading for the Jiangenian (“Gap Year”) Theater which stands near the renowned 798 Art District in the northeast of the city.

Mahesh来自印度西部的马哈拉施特拉邦,来中国念书是他第一次远离家乡,从同学Nidhin Chundapurakal那听说在这个离798艺术区一街之遥的小剧场有一场“情迷印度”的演出,便兴致勃勃地和Nidhin以及两个中国朋友一道前往。

Waiting for them was a show named “Lost in Love for India”. Mahesh born in western India’s Maharashtra State started his life in Beijing this year; it’s his first time living thousands of miles away from home. Hearing from his classmate Nidhin Chundapurakal that the show would feature Indian song and dance Mahesh was looking forward to going with him and two other Chinese friends.





Surprised at the refined performance Mahesh felt almost like he was back in India. “Classical Indian dance is difficult but the Chinese dancers really did a great job.”


Then as the original soundtrack of the movie It’s My Friend’s Wedding was turned up Mahesh became more excited for it was Nidhin’s turn to take the stage and win applause and cheers from the audience.




Freed of the heavy curtains that divide the stage and the audience the show became less formal but more lively. It attracted many Chinese spectators who are interested in Indian culture and offered a chance for them to experience Indian films dance and clothes through games.


Two teams three on each side contested their knowledge by guessing the names of Indian films according to imitations of typical scenes. A young man and a young woman followed a dancer to learn some classical Indian dance moves; they were a little shy in front of the crowd but made a great effort. Two other dancers invited two women as their models to show the audience how to correctly wear a saree.


▲Deewani mastani领衔表演了宝莱坞舞蹈。宝莱坞舞蹈指的是宝莱坞电影中出现的舞蹈,也引申为印度其它语种电影里的舞蹈。宝莱坞舞蹈没有固定风格,融合了印度的古典舞、民间舞,甚至是外来的街舞、迪斯科、现代舞等舞种,恰似烹饪,将各种“食材”烹煮出浓浓的印度味道。宝莱坞舞蹈大多节奏欢快、简单易学。


Time flies when you’re having fun. As the show ended and the lights went on the audience was reluctant to leave. Some of them exchanged phone numbers and added each other on Facebook or WeChat to remain contact.


A little girl in her father’s arms waved goodbye to the people around her. A teenage boy wearing glasses and school uniform looked back time after time at the stage where the performers were busy taking group photos. An old couple picked up their coats and walked out chatting and grinning.




A young woman with short hair was polishing her movie camera in the back of the theater. Her name is Yang Jie.


She was invited by the event planner to film the whole show. She has been a fan of Indian films for six years since her interest was first awoken by 3 Idiots in college. Yang had worked as a TV journalist but her passion for Indian films led her to her current employer – a company that introduces and imports Indian films to China.


▲Nidhin Chundapurakal演唱了经典的印度歌曲《女友嫁人新郎不是我》。


To date three shows have been conducted in the name of “Lost in Love for India” this year. Seema a 23-year-old Uygur woman is the planner behind the scene and also a hostess on the stage where her jokes with the performers always entertain the crowd. Seema invited a group of friends to perform or assist her in organizing the shows. They call her “Xiao Mai”.


Seema has been into Indian culture since she was a little kid and says that “the humanity and cultural appeal in Indian films” move her deeply. When she was old enough she traveled to Hyderabad and Mumbai. Motivated by her love for India and supported by her friends Seema has decided to continue the series of events in 2017.




Even though the vibrant show was over Mahesh and his friends from both China and India were about to have even more fun.


Beijing’s freezing winter couldn’t dampen their spirits. They sang Indian songs along the way on the metro to Wudaokou a business district in northwestern Beijing where numerous overseas students visit every day. They sat down in an Indian restaurant feasted themselves with tasty curry and rotis and extended their Sunday evening delight with a good chat.


(Thanks for Seema’s contribution to the article and photos.)



This article is exclusive to China-India Dialogue. Feel free to share this article. To reprint this article please contact us for permission.



以中印为方法 以世界为目的

From China and India

to the world as a whole


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