
The Sublime and Intimate Delights of Antalya



An international tourism destination Antalya is a city of national wonders and contrasts. The eighth largest city in Turkey it resembles Monet's pastelcolored paintings.


Just west of where the vast Mediterranean Sea pockets itself into the southern Turkey border lies the Beyda?lar? Coastal National Park. The park is home to the Olympos Aerial Tram. The tram lifts you up to the 2 365-meter peak of Mount Olympos were you can witness the sublime in its 360-degree panoramic view of the Mediterranean and the mountains of southern Turkey. This majestic range of mountains runs eighty kilometers up from the southern city of Cape Gelidonya. Looking west from this summit one can see Turkey’s eighth largest city Antalya.

Beydalar海岸国家级公园,位于土耳其南部边境,毗邻地中海,宛如镶嵌于地中海西岸的一颗明珠。公园内奥林波斯空中缆车高悬。游客搭载空中缆车,直冲海拔高达2 365米的奥林波斯山主峰,放眼四面八方,将俯瞰地中海全景,亦将土耳其南部那瑰丽雄奇的山脉美景尽收眼底。这座巍峨雄浑的大山蜿蜒至80公里开外的南部之城格里多亚角。驻足峰顶,向西遥望,土耳其第八大城市安塔利亚便映入眼帘。

An international tourism destination Antalya is a city of national wonders and contrasts. The city pivots on one of its oldest monuments Hadrian's Gate or ü?kaplar just a few kilometers in from where the city’s shoreline dips south. Erected in AD 130 it is one of the city’s oldest surviving monuments. The gate consists of three arches almost 12 meters in height and when visited a few times it becomes like a living Monet painting - it becomes kinetic constantly changing as the light changes appearing bleached or vibrating cords of gray depending on where the sun hangs over it.

安塔利亚,一座国际旅游之城。汇聚土耳其国家级自然奇观,魅力四射。城市中央矗立着一座纪念碑,那便是哈德良门,又被称为ükaplar,乃当世最为古老的纪念碑之一。安塔利亚之南,距海岸线,只隔着数公里之遥。纪念碑始建于公元130年,乃安塔利亚现存最为古老的历史遗迹之一。 哈德良门由三道高约12米的拱门所组成。细细观摩,你定会发现,它就如同莫奈笔下那跃然纸上的油画:随着光线的强弱,而不断地变幻莫测,暖阳倾泻而下,生成灰色帘线无数,或明亮或暗淡,慑人魂魄。

A small section of the city Antalya’s irinyal district almost parallels the grand vista. This district houses a few large hotels that are nestled right on the city shoreline. Included in the city are many large-scale hotel complexes that sit along the shoreline like cruise ships. Completely self-contained you could spend weeks exploring the shops spas pools and restaurants and never suffer a second of boredom in these refined worlds.

irinyal 区,只是安塔利亚之城一隅,而它却让游人慨叹不已,其绝不逊色于波澜壮阔的远景。景区内的酒店,倚着海岸线,鳞次栉比。酒店如此甚众,宛若一座座豪华的游轮,泊位于海岸线。酒店设施一应俱全。游客定将花上几周的时间,徜徉于商店、水疗中心、游泳池和餐馆间,流连忘返,乐不思蜀。时光美好如斯,夫复一生何求?

As the view from the patios of Beydalar Coastal National Park is painted with a range of blurred blues in the morning light the mountains shift to purple and the waters to deep blue right before the dusk in the late afternoon. During the evening the lights across the bay flicker like a static flock of birds. A view from the balcony of any of these hotels rivals the majesty of any in the world. Outside of these large complexes the city seems much more like a suburb. The roads are lined with eight-story flats and restaurants.


The district’s main artery is Metin Kasapolu Caddesi which turns into smet Gk?en Caddesi. Except for the banana and palm trees that line the boulevard the street looks like one you would find in the outer districts of Izmir Ankara or Istanbul. The two roads meet at a rotary in front of one of the city’s massive hotels. This is in the middle of about a kilometer-long strip of restaurants most of which are built up around large patio spaces and a central hub. The retractable roofs and folding walls create a sense of dining in the open air. You can get everything from a double shot decaf mocha latte to a dish of ?skender d?ner. This dish contains thinly sliced lamb laid on a bed of pita bread covered with yogurt and tomato sauce all bathed in hot melted butter. The city also contains many y?rük tents which serve as cafés that echo Turkey’s nomadic past. In these tents you can enjoy traditional Turkish delicacies like sac kavurma diced lamb served in a skillet with chopped tomatoes peppers and onions. Sac g?zleme a thin flatbread often stuffed with parsley spinach and white cheese can serve as a meal or just a late night snack. All of these dishes pair well with ayran a mixture of yogurt cold water and salt.


Another natural beauty roughly parallels Antalya’s eastern shore. Two magnificent waterfalls the upper and lower Düden Waterfalls sourced from the Krkgzler and Pnarba in the northern Taurus Mountains mark Antalya’s western border. An underground waterway carves its way from the mountains to the coast eventually spilling out into the sea. Visiting the lower Düden falls is a special treat. This is a park located in the west suburb of Lara. Walking through the gates the park seems like the ideal place to picnic beneath a canopy of trees. As you walk through the park you come to a section where the water-way is exposed taking you within a few meters of the rushing waters. In this moment you experience Antalya’s true magic.


Come visit Antalya in the autumn when all of its splendor shows itself. As summer turns to winter the pulsating yellows and crimson of the Mediterranean sunsets become captured in the trees that line Antalya’s parks and boulevards as the leaves fall and carpet the roads and walks. In the late afternoon the city erupts into a blaze of amber and ruby. Fall in Antalya is the time and place to experience all of the vibrant hues tints flavors and taste nature offers.


Hop on a cable car (with a capacity of 80 people) to enjoy an unprecedented view of the city.


Make sure to take a closer look at the fine details and ornamentations on the arches of Hadrian Gate


It's a lovely experience to watch the sunset from Kalei?i.


The harbor in the city center is the starting point of a number of boat tours.


Hadrian Gate salutes the sky at the entrance of the city.


How about a cool break in the last days of summer on Mermerli Beach in Kaleii.


Turkish Airlines has daily direct round-trip flights between Istanbul and Antalya.


Antalya deserves to be on your travel list not only with its sea but also with its natural beauties. The city's landmarks include Düden Kur?unlu and Manavgat Waterfalls.




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